Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Fun

It's August! The summer has flown by here at the Nebraska 4-H Foundation. We had the 4-H/FFA Golf Classic in June, PASE/Life Challenge and Governor's Ag Excellence Awards at the end of June, and county fairs started in July! You may have stumbled upon one of our booths at a county fair this summer...the Nebraska 4-H Ambassadors took the booths out to promote our summer campaign, "Tell Us Your 4-H Story".

Here at the Nebraska 4-H Foundation we want to hear from you, the 4-H alumni. We love hearing your stories about experiences you had in the 4-H program. From sleeping in the barn with your friends and animals at the fair to meeting your spouse on a 4-H trip, 4-H seems to have played an influential role in many people's lives and we want to hear about it! If you go to our website: and tell us your 4-H story you will be signed up to win $1000 for the county 4-H program of your choice! Every program needs monetary help, and your gift of this money would be extremely helpful to whichever county you choose!

Also, Nebraska 4-H member Collin Shepherd returned from his trip to Tanzania in July. He was in Tanzania for 6 weeks working with the 4-H program there. Check out his blog to see pictures and learn about the 4-H program in Tanzania (did you know 4-H is in over 80 countries worldwide?)!

The Nebraska 4-H Foundation is counting down the days until the Nebraska State Fair now - 14 days until it starts! If you come to the state fair, make sure to venture to the 4-H/FFA Exhibit Building - you will not only see awesome 4-H and FFA projects from 4-H'ers across the state but you will also see us! We will have booths, a place for you to tell us about your 4-H experience on video and decade boards scattered around the building. Also, on September 3rd from 3-5 PM we are hosting a 4-H Alumni Reception - make sure to show up early and get your ticket so you can enjoy cake, ice cream, and fun conversations with other 4-H alumni! Here's a taste of the decade boards you will see in the building:

So, check out our website to tell us about your 4-H experience and come visit us at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

17th Annual 4-H/FFA Golf Tournament

Monday June 13, 2011 the 17th Annual 4-H/FFA Golf Tournament was held at Quarry Oaks Golf Course near Ashland NE.
This event is a fun one every year! It brings together supporters of two wonderful youth programs, 4-H and FFA, who spend a day golfing and supporting the programs! This year, the Nebraska 4-H Ambassadors represented the 4-H program and FFA State Officers came as well to help with the tournament and keep things running smoothly.

Here's the FFA Officers and 4-H Ambassadors working the registration table at the golf tournament!

The tournament was started via a shot gun start. Here's all of the golfers/golf carts lined up waiting to begin!

We had many great sponsors that donated to the event and helped make it possible! These are signs that were posted around the golf course showing who the sponsors were.

Golfers competed in teams of four!

Thanks to everyone who came out and golfed at the tournament, along with all those who donated and supported the 4-H and FFA programs that way!
Busy Times!

It's been quite a while since our last blog post.
We've been quite busy here at the Nebraska 4-H Foundation. Since the last time we posted anything, we have unveiled a NEW website! Here's the link to the website:

Along with the new website we also have a new logo:
We also started a new program for 4-H alumni who are now in college. This program is called the Nebraska 4-H Ambassador program and is currently made up of five University of Nebraska-Lincoln students. Later this year, in the fall, we will be adding more ambassadors to this group. To learn more about the ambassadors check out this page on our website.

You can also keep up with the ambassadors via their blog which is at :

The Nebraska 4-H Ambassadors have put together a program called the Nebraska 4-H Club of the Month. 4-H Clubs from throughout Nebraska can nominate themselves to be the Club of the Month. They tell their story (what their club has done recently, community service, etc.) and a club is chosen as the Club of the Month each month. The club that is chosen gets their story told via our Facebook page, Twitter, and also sent out to all of the counties and sent to their local newspaper! Also, the club gets a $50 cash card and certificate! Here's a link to more information about the Club of the Month program.

As you can tell, we have been BUSY!