Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Fun

It's August! The summer has flown by here at the Nebraska 4-H Foundation. We had the 4-H/FFA Golf Classic in June, PASE/Life Challenge and Governor's Ag Excellence Awards at the end of June, and county fairs started in July! You may have stumbled upon one of our booths at a county fair this summer...the Nebraska 4-H Ambassadors took the booths out to promote our summer campaign, "Tell Us Your 4-H Story".

Here at the Nebraska 4-H Foundation we want to hear from you, the 4-H alumni. We love hearing your stories about experiences you had in the 4-H program. From sleeping in the barn with your friends and animals at the fair to meeting your spouse on a 4-H trip, 4-H seems to have played an influential role in many people's lives and we want to hear about it! If you go to our website: and tell us your 4-H story you will be signed up to win $1000 for the county 4-H program of your choice! Every program needs monetary help, and your gift of this money would be extremely helpful to whichever county you choose!

Also, Nebraska 4-H member Collin Shepherd returned from his trip to Tanzania in July. He was in Tanzania for 6 weeks working with the 4-H program there. Check out his blog to see pictures and learn about the 4-H program in Tanzania (did you know 4-H is in over 80 countries worldwide?)!

The Nebraska 4-H Foundation is counting down the days until the Nebraska State Fair now - 14 days until it starts! If you come to the state fair, make sure to venture to the 4-H/FFA Exhibit Building - you will not only see awesome 4-H and FFA projects from 4-H'ers across the state but you will also see us! We will have booths, a place for you to tell us about your 4-H experience on video and decade boards scattered around the building. Also, on September 3rd from 3-5 PM we are hosting a 4-H Alumni Reception - make sure to show up early and get your ticket so you can enjoy cake, ice cream, and fun conversations with other 4-H alumni! Here's a taste of the decade boards you will see in the building:

So, check out our website to tell us about your 4-H experience and come visit us at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island!