Monday, July 19, 2010

Our First Long Stretch - Part 1

This blog is a lot longer than what they have been in the past because we’re getting to the heart of fair season… each town is its own little adventure though, read all the way through! Thanks!

Webster Co. Fair- Bladen, NE

We left the office about noon on Thursday, July 15 and headed down the scenic Highway of 136 to Riverton to drop Reese off, leaving Molly all by her lonesome for the evening. (Reese went to the Hall County Fair to see Merle Haggard in concert with her boyfriend Ben. It was great!

Molly took a gravel road to Highway 4 and arrived in Bladen about 4 p.m. She met with the Extension Assistant Liz and set up camp next to the Pork BBQ. Webster County was so well organized with 4-Hers arriving in shifts every half an hour to sell tickets bringing fresh spunk and motivation!

We sold several tickets that night and earlier in the day 4-Hers went around selling tickets also, encouraging people to come see the truck that night. The Junior Leaders also sponsored a boot scramble for kids before the rodeo making the evening hectic for the group! We commend the youth for staying cool under the pressure and the energy they brought selling tickets! This was a great group of kids… we see excellent leaders for our future coming out of Webster County!

Frontier Co. Fair- Stockville, NE

The next morning we met in Holdrege and somehow managed to dress the same. That just goes to show that we spend too much time together and think alike a lot! Everyone asked if we always dressed to match! :)

This was both of our first time in Frontier County and we fell in love! It was beautiful! It was a county of contrast with pastures full of steep hills and canyons next to pivots of corn and wheat! If you have never been, take the time and visit, it’s breathtaking!

We took Highway 23 to Farnam and took a county road to connect to Highway 18. Road 408 was our connection and we meet everything from a farmer in pickup and harvest crew to a maintainer! We made great time and arrived in Stockville over an hour early so we decided to sightsee.

We were greeted with a population sign of 36, welcoming us to the smallest county seat in Nebraska! It only took about 10 minutes to see the town but as we were reading a historical marker we decided to check out the Medicine Creek it talked about. Apparently it was used as a transportation and trade route from Ft. McPherson!

Being the farm girls we are we decided to go “exploring” like we did as kids and headed down into the creek by a bridge! Reese has a rock collection (odd yes!) and she wanted a rock from the creek so she headed down to the water and stepped onto what she thought was sand… as it turned out it was mud and she sank past her ankles! She got a rock but spent a long time attempting to clean the mud out from between her toes!

We then went into Curtis, about 10 miles away, and got gas at the Ag Valley Convenience Store, our first gas up NOT at a Casey’s! When we were done we headed back to Stockville and arrived at the Frontier County Fair. The Extension Educator Barb warned us that Stockville was the smallest county seat in the state but she promised that it “came to life” for county fair and she was right!

We sold several tickets and had some very energetic girls who ran all over the fairgrounds selling tickets! We loved Barb, she was a great salesperson and was such a joy to work with! She even got us shaved ice, Molly got Strawberry Daiquiri flavored and Reese got half Green Apple half Tigers Blood! They came with whipped cream and a gummy bear on top!!! Thanks for everything Barb, you where phenomenal!

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