Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Second Long Hall - Part 2

Adams Co. - Hastings

So...after we left the metropolis of St. Paul, we headed down to Hastings for the Adams County Fairfest! We set up shop next to the Jr. Leader's Food Stand and the Carnival - a perfect location to sell tickets besides the horrible Nebraska humidity!! About an hour after setting up, Lil' Green showed up to help support the Nebraska 4-H Foundation and boost ticket sales! The little kids just loved him!

After selling tickets, we hurried on over to the grand stand to watch one of our favorite country singers - Eric Church! The concert was AMAZING!!! We both just loved it!

Once the concert was over, we stopped and got some grub then began our long journey to Ogallala as our halfway point for the night! Lets just say, that was 4 long hours of radio karaoke! :) We arrived at our hotel at 1:30 AM mountain standard time! Thank goodness we made reservations a month ago as it was completely full! But...we still had a problem! After getting our keys, we went to our room and swiped the key card all to see a red light flashing! Ran back down to the front desk, she recoded the key, and we tried opening our door again. Once again, a red flashing light. All of a sudden, the desk worker realized that someone was already occupying the room! We didn't know what to do at this point! To our relief, there was a reservation that had not checked in yet! Finally, we managed to get some shut eye by 2 AM MST!

Box Butte Co. - Alliance

After a short night sleep, we left our hotel by 7 AM and headed to Alliance for the Heritage Day's Parade! We took a detour around Lake McConaughy on highway 92 - beautiful! The Lake was so full! And all of the pastures looked extremely green due to all of the rain the past couple of months! The entire way up to Alliance, we found ourselves saying "OO! Look at that!" and "Wow! It's so pretty!" - if you couldn't tell, we enjoyed the ride thoroughly!

Once in Alliance, we lined up for the parade along with several Box Butte County 4-Hers! They had a blast handing out candy to children along the parade route! After the parade, we headed to downtown Alliance amongst the Heritage Day's vendors. Box Butte County was very organized and had several families take shifts selling tickets, making our job easy! :) Thanks! This also allowed us to take time to site see!

Deb Kraenow, Box Butte County Affiliate, lent us her car to go see the infamous Carhenge! Did you know that Carhenge attracts more than 87,000 visitors a year?!? Crazy! We also discovered the Knight Museum and Sandhills Center. What a beautiful place! This museum just opened up in March 2010! We were so fascinated by the amount of items and exhibits they had about Box Butte County's heritage! We highly recommend visiting this diamond in the rough! Also a plus...free admission! Thanks Deb for everything!

We spent the night in Sidney at Molly's family friend Kyle's place. We had so much fun! Thanks Kyle and Alex!

Gage Co. - Beatrice

The next morning, we began our LONG drive literally across the state to Beatrice for the Gage County Fair! 6 hours plus one for the time change = 7 hours! :) We enjoyed every minute of it! Good quality time with the 4-H Truck! haha!

Gage County has over 600 4-H members! We were both very impressed with the variety and quality of all of the 4-H Projects! That night, was the last night of the Gage County Fair. We had the perfect location to sell tickets right next to the 4-H Exhibit building! We were able to catch all of the 4-Hers and parents as they came to pick up their 4-H projects! It was a gorgeous night out - no bugs, no humidity, and cool! Thank you Gage County for everything!

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